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The Legal System in India Is Based on Mcq

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What is the difference between an adversarial approach and an inquisitorial approach to the legal system? Explanation: Article 338 of the Constitution of India deals with the National Commission for Planned Castes. It is therefore a constitutional body. The 65th Amendment to the Constitution replaced the one-man system of special officers with a multi-member National Commission on Planned Castes and Tribes. Under what kind of “system” do England and Wales operate? 23- Judicial review in the Indian Constitution is based on a statement: Schedule 11 of the Constitution of India contains the “Gram Panchayats. Annex 11 of the Constitution of India describes the powers, authority and responsibilities of the Gram Panchayat. In the 11th Annex, 29 topics are listed. Panchayati Raj generally refers to the system of local self-government in India, introduced by a constitutional amendment in 1992. 1. He is the country`s legal director and is part of the trade union executive. To which of the following countries is the Indian federal system linked? It is a statement or action in which a person must prove by what order an office or franchise is held, claimed or exercised.

Explanation: The 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution led to the beginning of the Panchayat Raj in India. The Panchayati Raj system was granted constitutional status by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992. Which of the following best describes the function of a legal system? Under whose jurisdiction do the state supreme courts report directly to the Indian judicial system? (a) Samsher Singh v. State of Punjab(B) UN RaoVs Indira Gandhi (C) Ram Jawaya Kapoor Vs State of Punjab (D) Sardar Lal Vs Union Government 10- The protection and enhancement of the environment, including the country`s forests and wildlife is 21- In the first place, the President may declare a state of financial emergency for a period ofwww.netugc.com 49) In accordance with the Constitution of India, Is the retirement age set at the retirement age of the Chief Justice of India? A) The Council of Ministers is collectively accountable to the Lok Sabha. 48) In _____, the President of India may retain an invoice indefinitely. 42) The DPSP (Guiding Principle of State Policy) in the Indian Constitution has been adopted by which country? (26) Which of the articles of the Constitution of India refers to the duties of the Chief Minister in relation to the provision of information to the Governor? (4) The right to freedom of movement throughout India falls under which section of the Indian Constitution? Ladakh is under the jurisdiction of which High Court? 2. The Supreme Court has the power to sanction contempt of all courts, including the lower courts. (a) Section 40 (b) Section 43 (c) Section 44 (D) Section 48 (25) Which of the sections of the Constitution of India authorizes the President to grant pardons to a person? Explanation: Article 270 of the Constitution of India stipulates that taxes shall be collected and collected by the Centre but apportioned between the Centre and the States. The apportionment of the proceeds of all Union taxes between the Centre and the Member States is covered by Article 270. Explanation: Under the pocket veto, the Indian president can keep a bill indefinitely. In his pocket veto, the Indian president kept the bill on hold indefinitely. The Indian president has three veto powers; Pocket veto, absolute veto and suspension veto.

How many seats on the Lok Sabha are reserved for scheduled tribes? Explanation: The 61st Amendment lowered the voting age for elections to the Lok Sabha and the state legislature from 21 to 18. C) The President, Chief Executive, is accountable to Parliament. Which of the following high courts has jurisdiction over the territory of the Union of Lakshadweep? F) According to the Constitution of India, in which sovereignty is found, (iii) Under Article 226, he has the power to give certain orders. Explanation: Calendar VIII of the Indian Constitution deals with the intended languages. The languages provided for according to the Indian Constitution: Hindi, Assamese, Bodo, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu, Nepali, Punjabi, etc. There are 22 official languages in India, and they fall under the 8th list of the Indian Constitution. 1. Judgments, proceedings and actions of the Supreme Court may not be called into question when brought before a lower court. ● The Constitution Act 2015 (100th Amendment) ratified the India-Bangladesh Land Border Agreement. (A) The President of India(B) Parliament by resolution(C) Parliament by law(D) The President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India The wrong answer is that he can hear any court/tribunal as well as courts martial. 2.

The State shall endeavour to establish for citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India in accordance with Article 12. A resolution passed under paragraph 1 of Article 249 shall remain in force for the period not exceeding the First Amendment Act to the Constitution of India. 18. The corresponding order of the Supreme Court to revoke the appointment of a person to a public office is. The ideas of equality of liberty and fraternity of the Indian Constitution are borrowed from the 75th Amendment to the Constitution of India. (b) 76th Amendment to the Constitution of India. (c) 77th Amendment to the Constitution of India. (d) 78th Amendment to the Constitution of India. In India, the Chief Justice of the High Court is appointed by declaration: Part VI of the Indian Constitution deals with government in the states.

Part VI of the Constitution of India, which contains Articles 153 to 167, deals with government in the states. It consists of the governor, the chief minister, the Council of Ministers, the attorney general of the state. Articles 153 – 162 Governor, Articles 163 – 164 Council of Ministers, Article 165 Advocate General of the State. Articles 166 to 167 Conduct of Government Affairs and Functions of the Chief Minister. (A) Only once. (B) twice. (C) three times. (D) Never refer to original copies of the Indian Constitution, written in which language? (D) Religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them. The Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India describes the administration and control of the tribal areas of the northeastern states. In which of the following cases was it stated that Parliament does not have the power to amend any of the provisions of Part III of the Indian Constitution? Definition: Federalism adopted in the Indian Constitution of Canada. Directive The principles of State policy prescribe the fundamental obligations of States towards their citizens and the duties and rights of citizens towards the State.

Explanation: The provision of the position of Vice President in the Indian Constitution originates from America. The position of Vice President is the second highest ranking after the President of India. It is drawn from the American model of government. (A) Legislative branch (B) Executive branch (C) Quasi-judicial power (D) Judiciary Which of the following statements about the regulatory power of the President of India is false? Regarding the power of presidential pardon in India, consider the following statements: Explanation: Eleven fundamental duties are laid out in the Indian Constitution. The basic obligations are contained in section 51A (Part IV A), which was included in the 42nd Amendment Act 1976. Explanation: Citizenship is listed on the Union List of the Indian Constitution. It falls within the exclusive competence of Parliament. 4. He should not defend accused persons in law enforcement without the permission of the Government of India. a) certiorari(B) Mandamus(C) Prohibition(D) Quo-warranto Which of the following statements is/are correct as a court of the Supreme Court of India? Explanation: Habeas corpus is related to the fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution.

Fundamental rights are mentioned in Part III of the Constitution of India from Articles 12 to 35. This concept originated in the United States. With regard to the supervisory powers of the Supreme Court, the following statements must be taken into account: 17- Art. Section 51A of the Constitution of India sets out the basic obligations under which section can the Supreme Court file a complaint? 28- In order to create a new state in India, an amendment to the Constitution of India must be adopted by (A) Guiding principle of state policy (B) Basic national policy (C) Fundamental duty of a citizen (D) Guiding Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duty of a Citizen Explanation: The doctrine of “basic structure” was developed in the Kesavananda Bharti case.