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Stupid Laws That Still Exist in the Uk

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Yes, you read that right. Unlicensed television is considered a crime in the UK. If you think you can watch TV without a license, you`re wrong. Section 363 of the Communications Act 2003 makes it illegal to watch television without a licence and if you are caught, you can face a fine of up to £1,000. HR employees are the backbone of any successful business. In their magic, the HR team keeps things in order, manages employment contracts, and is responsible for complying with all workplace laws. Law graduates know how employers and employees should work together, how to navigate basic policies and procedures, and key areas of labor and labor law. It`s absolute child`s play that dogs or rabid corpses can`t be transported due to health and safety rules! The Metropolitan Police Act 1839, section 54, Part 16, states that it is unlawful for “any person who intentionally and deliberately disturbs a resident by firing or knocking on a door or knocking on a door without lawful excuse, or who intentionally and unlawfully extinguishes the light of a lamp”. You can still face this fine even if a pedestrian or driver acts dangerously or is at fault in some way. It is also illegal to honk between 11:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. while the vehicle is stationary or in an enclosed area.

A law prohibiting the wearing of armor (1313) is still in force today and makes it illegal under British law to wear full armor in the Houses of Parliament. While it`s unlikely you`ll visit a royal house and your dog will mate with one of the Queen`s beloved corgis, if that were to happen, it would be against British law! What do lawyers and journalists have in common? They are excellent researchers who know how to gather important information and use it to their advantage. Lawyers use it to take breaks from their cases, while journalists use it to tell stories that newspapers sell. Use them in tandem? If you love law and know your path, you can use that passion to write professional articles for respected journals and magazines. To celebrate our 175th anniversary, we present 175 strange laws from the past and present. Some laws are funny. Some are surreal. Some don`t make sense, no matter how you look at them.

But they all have one thing in common: they are all real. In January 2020, Finder recorded that the average UK debt per adult was £31,643. This corresponds to tuition fees over three years. Now, not all debts are a terrible monster; There are good debts and bad debts. Good debt, like student loans and mortgages, gives you value over time. Bad debts, such as buying seasonal fashion choices with a high-interest credit card, lose value over time. Since this is still considered high treason, you could technically be sentenced to prison. Fortunately, the part of the law that previously stated that you will be “transported across the seas for the duration of your natural life” has been repealed. Under the Sailors and Soldiers False Characters Act 1906 and the Police Act 1996, it is illegal to claim to be a member of the armed forces or police. Both can lead to imprisonment.

So, next time you think it`s a good idea. Think again. What`s even crazier, however, is that it`s normal to dress up as a paramedic. A fine of up to £500 can be imposed on anyone who commits such an offence. Let`s say you are interested in the idea of building an ice slide. In this case, we regret to inform you that even more ordinary activities such as kite flying or “playing a game to the chagrin of the occupants” are prohibited. If you don`t know the name, it`s probably because it`s widely used throughout the county, with others referring to Knock Knock Ginger or even Nicky Nicky Nine Doors. DelawareDon`t pretend to sleep on a bench Sunday hunting is limited to fox huntingCancellations are granted for weddings organized as a gamble These strange laws – the False Characters of Sailors and Soldiers Act of 1906 and the Police Act of 1996 – were introduced to prevent people from deliberately posing as police or military personnel.

As this can be very confusing for the public and can also lead to dangerous situations. Yet another law of the beautiful law on the police clauses of the city of 1847! Edward II issued the Statute to end the violence that had erupted between the two factions of Parliament, the pro-royalist Lancastrians and the anti-royalist party of the Earl of Gloucester. This is one of the strangest British laws, but mainly because of its punishment. Sticking a stamp upside down on an envelope is considered an attempt to get rid of the monarch in the Treason Felony Act of 1848. At number 5 on our list of strange laws in the United Kingdom, under the Treason Felony Act 1848, it is a criminal offence to “put a mark on Her Majesty`s coin or currency with intent to degrade it.” There are still a number of laws that many have forgotten – mainly because they are no longer enforced. Skipping the queue in an underground room is a criminal offence under the London Underground laws imposed by Transport for London. There is actually a certain logic – the foot part anyway – and that is to avoid dangers. Have you ever tried riding in flip-flops? It`s embarrassing. And barefoot? Just try to put pressure on those pedals. Ouch. If the idea of sliding on the ice is too extreme for you, we regret to inform you that even more mundane activities such as kite flying or “playing a game to the chagrin of residents” are also prohibited. This classic relic of the ancient “laws of decency” we had in Britain serves to prevent the corruption of our oh so innocent youth! With your newly acquired legal skills, you could work for a recruitment firm that specializes in legal positions.

You will work with a network of legal employers such as law firms or lawyers and meet their needs by connecting them with the newest, brightest and most qualified legal candidates and graduates in the region. You`ll be satisfied knowing that your expertise helps employers build much more effective teams.