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Section 17 of the Business and Planning Act 2020

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(21) The Minister may make regulations revoking an order made under paragraph 9. 1 The definition Crown grant in subsection 37(1) of the Public Lands Act is amended by adding “but not the transfer of such an interest or the grant of an easement under section 37.2” at the end. 2. The powers and duties conferred or conferred on the deputy head, authority, tribunal or any other person, entity or tribunal, or to which the powers and duties relating to the administration of this Act, the regulations or the by-laws are transferred or are transferred, do not apply to matters relating to the pension plan on or after the effective date of the exemption specified in the election. including in respect of benefits or accrued benefits under the pension plan, whether the matter arises or whether the benefits or entitlements accrued before or after the effective date. However, those powers and obligations shall apply in respect of the limitation referred to in paragraph 6. 2 Subsection 20(1) of the Act is amended by striking out “and any substitute payment order under section 28 and any decision of the Director to use another method of payment” and substituting “any substitute payment order under section 28”. 6. Where a surveyor or the holder of a registration certificate sells or transfers the survey documents referred to in subsection 3 or 5, the sale or transfer shall be recorded in writing and signed by all parties to the transaction. (b) any order made by the Minister under subsection (9) or any order of the Council that has the effect of adding a reservation or condition to the Council to an order referred to in clause (a) and that was made before the date of the transfer or grant. (9) If the council of a local host municipality has passed a resolution of the municipal council in support of an application and then makes the subsequent decision to withdraw the assistance, the applicant is not prohibited from proceeding with the application in accordance with section 34.1, but the Director may take the withdrawal of the assistance into account when considering the application. (17) If the city has designated a planning area control area in accordance with this section, the city may, by law, determine one or more classes of development that may be carried out without the approval of plans and drawings otherwise required under subsection (5).

3. Subsection 114(3) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. (ii) a written resolution on all matters to be dealt with under this Act at a meeting of shareholders at which all business to be dealt with at the meeting must be passed by ordinary resolution and signed in writing by the holders of at least a majority of the shares or their authorized representative; The vote on the resolution at a meeting of shareholders meets all the requirements of this Act for that meeting of shareholders. (2.1) If a recorder grants an extension of time in accordance with paragraph 2 in respect of an application for an extension of a lease under this Act, the lease is deemed not to have expired or expired before the expiry of the extension of time. 4 (1) Section 34, clause 10.3 (b) of the Act is amended by adding the words “or (” after the words “subsection 11”. (4.27) The Minister of Infrastructure may make regulations designating land as encumbered land within the meaning of paragraph 4.28 if, (25) Before an order may be made under paragraph 9, the Minister shall issue guidelines for orders made under paragraph 9 and publish directives in accordance with paragraph 26. (28) Part III (Regulations) of the Legislative Act, 2006 does not apply to an order made under subsection (9) or (21) or to a direction under subsection (25). (16) An order made under subsection (9) comes into force in accordance with the following rules: (3.4) If an Act made under this section requires a transfer or regulation in excess of the amount authorized under clause (3.3), the Act shall be deemed to have been amended in accordance with subsection 3.3. (a) section 36 of this Act does not apply to real property that is transferred under paragraph (2)(a) or eased under paragraph (2)(b) and any reference in this section to real property patented by the Crown shall not contain any reference to real property that is transferred under paragraph (2)(a); (6) If the council of a local host municipality has passed a resolution of the municipal council in accordance with subparagraph a of subsection (4) that supports the application, the person who made the application may process the application in accordance with section 34.1. (5) If the articles or a unanimous shareholder agreement requiring a greater number of shareholder votes to pass a regular resolution takes precedence over the number required under this Act under subsection 5 (4), the following rules apply: (9) If the administration and control of unpatented public land is transferred from the Minister to another Secretary of the Crown under the law of Ontario. or to a Crown agency within the meaning of the Crown agency Law By order made under subsection 37.1 or by order of the Council, the Minister may make an order setting out the reservations and conditions applicable in respect of those countries in addition to any reservations and conditions set out in the order made under section 37.1 or the regulations of the Council.