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Running Away Laws in Michigan

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People who harbor runaway children can be arrested in many states. They can be charged with harboring a runaway or contributing to a minor`s crime. For example, in some states, people who lie to a relative or to the police about the whereabouts of a runaway may be in trouble with the law. They may even get into more trouble if they encourage a 17-year-old to run away from home or allow the teen to engage in criminal behaviour. In most states, fleeing away from home is not illegal. Indeed, the law stipulates that juvenile courts have power over minors under the age of 17 only if they flee or leave their homes. However, the law requires parents to continue to support the 17-year-old runaway until he or she turns 18. You can only withdraw support if the court somehow cancels this obligation. However, parents only have to offer the bare necessities to fulfill their obligations. Attorney Daryl Longworth, a divorce attorney from Katy, Tx, also said that.. “Adults who want. In the absence of a better word, outliers of aid should be very cautious and seriously consider immediately involving law enforcement.

“In some states, parents can force their runaway teen home. The parents remain responsible for caring for the runaway child until the child is 18 years of age or emancipated. Surviving on the road in the cold is not easy and exposes runaways to many dangers. There is also a risk that runaways will adopt negative habits such as drug or alcohol abuse. They can also be victims of violent crime. 17-year-old runaways have the following legal options: It is necessary to teach your children to deal with their problems, even if you are one of those problems. Give them the tools to solve their problems in order to relieve the pressure that stresses them out. If your teen comes home after running away, don`t make fun of or provoke him. You should contact the police if your teenage child has run away. Contact a lawyer if you are offering protection to a 17-year-old runaway. The attorney will advise you on your state`s laws so you can determine what steps you can take to avoid breaking the law.