Pink Panty Prank Legal Case Study

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A man who woke up from an operation was alarmed to discover that he was wearing pink women`s panties (which he certainly wasn`t wearing when he fell asleep). While the obvious farce was undoubtedly tasteless, is this a reason for a winnable trial? To prove emotional distress in a claim for intentionally or negligently inflicting emotional distress, a victim must generally demonstrate a high level of psychological distress that persists over time. In cases of emotional distress inflicted through negligence, the plaintiff may also need to prove that the emotional distress caused some form of physical harm, such as insomnia, headaches, or other medical problems. A Delaware man who underwent a colonoscopy says he woke up from anesthesia wearing a pair of pink women`s underwear. “As the plaintiff recovered from the effects of the anesthesia administered by the defendants, he woke up to realize that pink women`s underwear had been placed on his body during his unconscious,” the lawsuit states. “When the applicant showed up for his colonoscopy, he had not worn pink women`s underwear and the applicant never voluntarily, knowingly or intentionally put on the women`s pink underwear.” On the other hand, Schwartz stated that in order to receive damages in a case like this, the plaintiff must prove actual financial loss. This is not a case where there is a star baseball pitcher whose arm is broken by a negligent act and the financial loss of the injury is clear and definable, he said. The 32-year-old claims the stunt was performed by his colleagues to embarrass and harass him during a colonoscopy and is now filing a civil lawsuit against his former employer for the prank that occurred in 2012. The alleged prank, which took place in 2012, caused Walls to lose his job due to “severe emotional stress,” the New York Daily News reports. The lawsuit seeks damages for intentionally inflicting this emotional stress. A Dover man who had undergone a colonoscopy woke up after the procedure and discovered he was wearing pink women`s underwear, according to a complaint. The man, Andrew Walls, 32, was an employee at the Delaware Surgery Center in Dover when he underwent a colonoscopy in 2012, The News Journal reports.

According to the lawsuit, Walls woke up as he “recovered from the effects of the anesthesia administered by the defendants and realized that pink women`s underwear had been placed over his body during his unconscious.” “When the plaintiff presented for his colonoscopy, he had not been wearing pink women`s underwear,” the lawsuit states in Walls` civil damages claim. The lawsuit offers no further details and offers no possible explanation as to why someone at the surgical center would put pink underwear on the walls, other than a general intention to embarrass or harass them. As funny as it sounds, Mr. Walls actually claims that he lost his job because of the prank, that the pink panty jokes became too many, and that he eventually suffered from “severe emotional stress.” The lawsuit seeks damages for “intentional infliction” of said emotional stress. The News Journal of Delaware, Texas, reports that Mr. Walls entered the Delaware Surgery Center in Dover in 2012 to undergo a colonoscopy. However, in a lawsuit against the hospital, Wall says he was the victim of an “outrageous” prank. The problem was that Mr. Walls also worked at the hospital and his colleagues thought it would be hilarious if he woke up in pink panties. Andrew Walls, 32, claims that Delaware surgeons who performed his colonoscopy dressed him in pink panties while he was under anesthesia, according to complaint documents obtained by The News Journal. A lawyer for Walls, who was an employee of the Delaware Surgery Center in Dover, called the incident an “outrageous” farce by Walls` colleagues.

But, Schwartz said, he doesn`t know the facts of the case beyond what`s in the trial. “When the plaintiff showed up for his colonoscopy, he had not worn pink women`s underwear and at no time did the plaintiff voluntarily put the pink women`s underwear on himself,” the lawsuit states. “How can you not settle this matter and let it into the community?” asked Schwartz. “It`s the kind of thing that, if it`s true, wants to fix the problem and get a confidentiality agreement.” The surprising finding was the result of some nurses playing tricks on the patient, who also worked at the Delaware Surgery Center in Delaware, where he underwent surgery. Like us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter| Plaintiff Andrew Walls, 32, was neither happy nor amused and this month filed a civil lawsuit in New Castle County Superior Court against the Delaware Surgery Center in Dover, seeking damages for intentionally inflicting emotional distress. MORE: A teenager with a hole in her heart says she can`t have NHS surgery. until she suffered a heart attack After Andrew Walls came out of anesthesia, he noticed that his lower regions had been a little spicy during the operation. According to the complaint, Walls went to the Delaware Surgery Center on Banning Street in October. 12, 2012, for a colonoscopy and as part of the procedure was placed under anesthesia. When you are under anesthesia, trust the people who will play with your body completely. For Andrew Walls, 32, that confidence seems to have been misplaced.

“The defendant`s extreme and outrageous behavior exceeded all possible bounds of decency,” attorney Gary Nitsche wrote in the complaint on behalf of Walls, who was employed at the center at the time. Delaware Director of Surgery Jennifer Anderson declined to comment Wednesday, saying, “We only found out yesterday afternoon.” No details have been released on how the incident caused Walls to lose his job or what brand the offending underwear had. The lawsuit also names Eden Hill Surgical Group of Dover, but according to someone who answered a phone number for that company, the practice has since been dissolved. However, just because a person`s behavior may be rude or offensive in any way does not mean that an offended person can necessarily recover in a lawsuit for intentionally inflicting emotional distress. Recovery for intentional infliction of emotional stress is usually limited to extreme or outrageous behavior that causes severe emotional distress. That`s it, you have the latest first-class world news from your gusset. Sorry, we meant Gazette. Attorney Benjamin A. Schwartz, who is not connected to the trial but has blogged about it, said he was stunned by the “outside the wall” allegations in the trial, but said it was filed by a credible lawyer for the plaintiffs, so the charges should be taken seriously.

Tags:delaware News Operation Panties Surgery Unstable World If a person intentionally causes another person severe emotional trauma, the victim can receive damages in a lawsuit for intentional infliction of emotional distress. A victim may also recover from emotional trauma even if the defendant did not intend to cause emotional distress in a lawsuit for negligently inflicting emotional distress. The plaintiff must prove some sort of functional impairment as a result of that incident in order to receive damages, he said. In Walls` trial, he claims the incident caused him “extreme emotional distress, embarrassment and humiliation,” in addition to mental anguish, loss of wages, loss of earning capacity and other damages. As for the hospital. Well, they declined to comment because the alleged events took place in 2012 and as Delaware Director of Surgery Jennifer Anderson explained, “We only found out yesterday afternoon.” “The question I ask myself is: How do you allow (as a defendant) this to become a trial?” said Schwartz. He noted that the lawsuit was filed in October.