Legally Blonde Social Psychology

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Nowadays, most blondes are actually brunettes with a dyeing job. After all, it should be a sincere effort to resist our urge to judge others by their appearance, situation, social position, and personality, and I use the word “effort” because I firmly believe that judgment is natural only given the social conditioning that each of us goes through. However, there should be exceptions in terms of personality. For example, if someone has consistently shown negative traits, you may choose to avoid them, but personality attributions shouldn`t be based solely on appearance and stereotype. After all, there is always an option to persevere and destroy the opinion of others if it harms your own hopes and desires, and to find a way where such negative perceptions cannot thrive. As they say in the verdict, it`s sweet until the moment you`re at the reception. Most “stupid” women are considered more attractive than those in the “effort” category, so they are classified as less intelligent. The majority of the women in this film who fall into this category are white women with middle-class status and are able to work, coincidentally almost all of them are equally blonde and enjoy shopping and having their nails done, which in itself is another stereotype about women. When it comes to the clothing of women in this particular category, every scene in which these women are seen shows them in clothes that show their bodies, compared to women in the “effort” category, who show very little of their bodies.

An analysis of the film from a feminist perspective would confirm the idea that this film has all the enabling tendencies associated with feminism. A woman is able to overcome the stereotype associated with her gender appearance because a blonde man would not have had the same problems as her in Legal Blonde. However, the film`s premise can easily be confused with maintaining beauty and fashion, marked as essentially feminine characteristics, but there`s more to it than one can see. At the beginning of the film, the protagonist is portrayed as the antithesis of intellectual endeavors. In contrast, in the world of the protagonist and the world of people pursuing law school, her own father describes law school as a place for people who are “boring, ugly, and serious.” The film then assumes rejecting the above stereotypes when Elle Woods enrolls in Harvard Law School to become a lawyer and prove everyone wrong, especially her ex-romance, which she rejected on the grounds that a bright future with a blonde woman like her can never be achieved because she is not a serious person in the conventional sense. The basic idea, as explained earlier in this article, is not to change its characteristics according to preconceived ideas about them, but to use them to your advantage. One solution to avoid stereotypes is to destroy them, and that`s exactly what Elle achieves at the end of the film. However, one should not misunderstand this by believing that a stereotypical judgment is acceptable if the other party is nonchalant and does nothing. An easier way to understand would be to separate stereotypes into two types; Physically attribute-based and social. This can be based either on your appearance or on your so-called position in the social structure, everything else is more or less temporary or part of the situational attribution. All of these stereotypes or judgments will exist as long as you`re part of a functioning society, because that`s how people have evolved to adapt to the diversity among us. But it is our duty not to succumb to it.

However, attribution theory and stereotypes play a very important role in the choices of the characters around Her. It is discussed later in the article, but a brief introduction to attribution would be: “In social psychology, attribution is the process of inflicting the causes of events or behaviors.” Well, it`s extremely circular, because you`d assume the level of intelligence based on stereotypes, and then assign a specific instance to that stereotype and reinforce the original position on intelligence correlation, creating an echo chamber where preconceptions are stored and maintained. Elle Woods is a white, blonde, friend and wealthy Hollywood girl whose goal is to be accepted into Harvard Law School. Although she is questioned and questioned by everyone around her, she wins a remarkable case and ends up as one of the best students in her group. She also feels a sense of self-worth. The film Legally Blonde portrays and markets this character intentionally to show how a “girl like that” can work and prove to everyone around her, especially her ex-boyfriend, that appearance and interests don`t limit a woman`s determination and performance. Through it all, however, Elle`s depiction of femininity is limited to superficial aspects of female identity, so that while the film seems to confirm femininity and sisterhood, it depicts unflattering and sexist images of women. For this reason, this research will attempt to answer the question: to what extent is Elle Woods` portrayal sexist? In a world where judgment can take any form, the story of the “legal blonde” explores the biases a person may face because of the stereotype associated with their appearance.

The owner of the blonde hair in the film (The Protagonist – Elle Woods) personifies the “blonde identity” in American society. In the West, especially in the United States, a blonde woman is equated with a beautiful person without academic intellect and no serious ambition in life and is a double-edged sword, as it praises a person for his external beauty but bludgeons the intellectual caliber. The article consists of Part IIIs. The first part deals with a brief introduction to the film for readers unfamiliar with the plot. The second part deals with attribution theory in social psychology and its relationship to fictitious and non-fictional events. Part III is the conclusion. Attribution theory in social psychology would tell us that there are two types of attributions, situational and personality. The former attribute a person`s behaviour to a particular situation and then draw conclusions.