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Cite Nouvelle Enquete Legale Fr

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Amended Regulation of 29 July 1987 on income ceilings for beneficiaries of the legislation on low-rent housing and new State aid in the rental sector (NOR: EQUC8700526A Since 1 January 2019, new provisions apply in favour of families with children entitled to housing and in favour of persons with disabilities. Users of the SLS application should refer to the documents offered for download below, which describe in detail how the new application works: you must promptly send us the documents that correspond to your new family situation so that our services can update your “customer contract” file. If you do not complete the resource survey for 2 consecutive©© years, you©will have to leave your home (with a few exceptions). In the event of the death of one of the tenants, you must present us with a death certificate. You are required ©to respond within one©month. If you do not do so, the owner will send you a formal notice: titleContent. ©Without a response within©15 days, you will have to pay a higher©© SLS and©pay a 25-year fee©. Upon receipt of the information©by the social landlord, the latter will©settle your situation in relation to the SLS. The deductible will be refunded© within©2 months.

A contractual penalty of a maximum of € 14.91 per m² of living space is estimated, as well as a legal compensation for administrative costs of € 25. For example: for an apartment of 50 m2, this corresponds to a monthly net rent supplement of € 827.51, to which is added the administration fee of € 25. The settlement is set out in the announcement, which is scheduled for January 2022. You can connect to your personal space on the impôt.gouv.fr website and download your document in PDF format or request a duplicate or a certificate (indicating the amount of your reference tax revenue) from your tax office. For example, for an SLS from January 1, 2022, the survey will be conducted© in 2021, and tenants will have to submit the 2021 tax notice (relative to their income earned in 2020). The SLS 2022 survey is presented in the form of a form with 33 questions that social landlords must answer. Statistical analyses are carried out from the information collected in order to evaluate, in particular, the following elements: By clicking on this link, the user (social landlord) is redirected to an authentication page, called the Cerbère identification portal. With regard to cerbere authentication methods, the identifier of his user account is the e-mail that the owner has sent to the DDT(M) and authorized by the DGALN manager. Tenants must complete the SLS survey within one month. Without a response, Hauts-de-Seine Habitat will send you a registered letter with A/R of the “formal notice”, to which you must respond within 15 days, the last deadline. The solidarity surtax (SLS) is calculated according to very precise conditions and only applies if the income limit is exceeded.

The SLS is thus applied in the event that your resources exceed the resource limits by more than 20%. It is then added to the main rental and rental fees each month. A contractual penalty of € 7.62 per month of delay will be charged. Invoicing is provided for in the notification due in February 2022 with retroactive effect from 1 January 2022. The SLS – Solidarity Rent Supplement survey is aimed at tenants who do not receive the APL. It is carried out every year at the end of the year. It allows Clairsienne to determine which tenants should be subject to the solidarity rent surtax because of the increase in their resources. Any change in the family situation of your home will be taken into account during the calendar year, once you have informed Hauts-de-Seine Habitat and sent the requested receipts.

The resources of the people in your household can evolve and exceed these limits. Indeed, if your income exceeds by 20% the limits of the resources necessary for the allocation of social housing, you can apply for a solidarity rent allowance called Surloyer. The survey on the solidarity surcharge (SLS) will be published from the 29th. November 2021 sent by mail to all tenants who are expected to exceed these upper limits.3,974 LMH tenants are recipients of this survey. Don`t forget to ship your envelope at the current price. The regulations oblige social landlords to examine the family situation, resources and professional activities of their tenants every year through the Solidarity Rent Supplement (SLS) survey. The information provided makes it possible to calculate whether the income limit has been exceeded and whether you are liable for the SLS (solidarity rent supplement). Yes, they are mandatory because they allow us to know the occupancy of social housing and to assess the situation of your home in relation to the regulatory ceilings of resources for access to social housing. It is therefore essential to attach a complete file containing all the supporting documents requested for each person present in the apartment: tenant, spouse, child (s) and other residents of the apartment. You must contact Est Métropole Habitat by calling 04 78 03 47 20 or by sending an email to: [email protected], we will send you a questionnaire. The amount of the SLS is limited, so the SLS + rent (free of charge) does not exceed 30% of the budget. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact your local management, who can give you the necessary answers.

No, if your holiday ended before December 31, 2022. Each year, you must answer a questionnaire that allows us to know your situation. You must attach your tax or non-tax contribution. For example, a person with a disability is raised to household category 2. A couple whose member has a disability is recognized in household category 3. Participation in these two national and regulatory surveys is an obligation. Note that the law provides for monetary penalties if you do not respond. The survey on the occupation of the Social Park (SPO) takes place every two years.

Its purpose is to compile national statistics on the occupation of the park and its development. The information requested is the same as in the SLS survey, but does not lead to a revaluation of the amount of the rent. Access to social housing is reserved for families whose taxable income is below the income limits set by the State. The SLS survey is mandatory. It allows Hauts-de-Seine Habitat to check the family situation and resources of tenants who do not receive the APL or who, as of 31.12.2014, live outside the priority districts of the urban policy (QPV) or are located outside the sensitive urban areas (ZUS). Its purpose is to determine if you exceed the upper limits of HLM resources. In addition to 20% of the deductible, you will be charged for an SLS. It also allows the prefect to communicate statistical information on the family situation of tenants and their income.