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Bobcat Legal in Florida

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Need a license to own an African bull frog/pixie frog in Florida? In 2007, a new state law (HB 1418 – signed on 22.07.07) prohibits the possession, breeding or importation of species of big cats (lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, puma and their hybrids), with the exception of zoos and AZA facilities participating in an SSP, animal welfare organizations, animal controls, veterinarians, wildlife rehabilitators, wildlife sanctuaries, research institutes, circuses, people who transport them temporarily and for less than 21 days exhibit. Fair trade fair trade exhibitions and game farms. Affected cats kept at the time of signing the law can be kept. No new animals can be purchased. The Washington Department of F&W does not regulate species of small cats that are not native. Bobcats and lynx (considered native species) require that the reproduction, possession or commercial use of bobcats or lynx be limited to specimens legally acquired outside the state. Must have a state-issued import permit number on the health certificate to bring native species into the state. It is legal to own a savannah cat. Bobcat hunting is legal. Hunters may have 1 non-tanned bobcat and otter skin without a CITES label. All additional skins must have a CITES label.

In 2009, New Mexico adopted new import rules. All cats, with the exception of hybrids, are considered Group IV and are limited to scientific studies, recovery and recovery plans, zoos, temporary events/entertainment, service animals or simply a qualified expert. Issues zoos, Class A parks and scientific study permits. An additional Class A parking permit is required if the facility has an area of more than 3200 hectares. Has cage and registration requirements. Regulators in New Mexico have just adopted new rules prohibiting the capture or capture of cougars for this sport. Savannah cats are legal. Bobcats are protected fur carriers in New Mexico with a hunting and fishing season established from November 1 to March 15. Has an Alien Wildlife Possession Licence ($50.00 per animal) that does not allow breeding and sale.

The Exotic Wildlife Dealer Permit ($200.00) allows for breeding and resale. The Wildlife Menagerie Permit ($100) allows for the ownership of cats as well as many other species, but to be eligible, the facility must be open to the public and charge a fee. The PA Gaming Commission has cages, accommodation, a purchase contract, sanitary facilities and general requirements that must be met to be eligible for approval. The state wildlife registrar inspects the facilities prior to permit approval. Permission to possess alien wildlife requires an inspection by the Wildlife Conservator before the animal is received. The Exotic Wildlife Permit allows for the importation and possession of wildlife, but a separate permit must be applied for each animal. A new regulation, adopted in April 2003, imposes a two-year experience requirement for each canine or félidé licence applied for. Native bobcats cannot be kept or sold as pets, but can be kept or imported by licensed propagators.

Excluded are nationally recognized circuses that submit a list of acts and dates, public zoological gardens that receive government subsidies, and AZA zoos. Hunting savannah cats and bobcats is legal. CITES labels must be affixed to every bobcat and otter skin that leaves Florida and immediately after purchase when sold. All species of squirrels, with the exception of the grey squirrel, which is considered a wild animal and requires an application for a wild exploitation permit and compliance with these requirements, are legal. These include chipmunks, red squirrels, flying squirrels and more exotic species such as Prévost`s squirrels. If an exotic animal is kept as a pet, the owner or guardian of the exotic must apply to the ministry for individual approval on a form provided by the ministry. Individual permits granted by the Ministry become null and void if the owner or custodian transfers ownership or custody of the exoticism to another person. The owner or manager must obtain a separate individual permit for each exotic animal that is kept as a pet. A background check of an owner or custodian who is seeking individual approval may be conducted by the ministry. Possession of exotic cats, large and small, is legal in Delaware with a license.

Night hunting bobcat. Is prohibited, except for looting permits. Must obtain approval from the IR Department of Environmental Management, Agriculture Division, to import, possess or maintain native wildlife species or hybrids thereof.