Are Stun Guns Legal Reddit

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That is, yes, I can imagine that a permit system will be put in place, with pepper spray, you have to be sprayed, with a stun gun, you have to be dizzy. Just like the cops. I wouldn`t want a stun gun for personal protection. I think if I were in a situation where I needed a stun gun, the stun gun would still not be enough. My personal philosophy is not to carry a weapon that you cannot defend yourself against. Most of the people who are shot are shot with their own weapons. Opportunistic criminals avoid attention. Sound, light, etc. are a much more effective deterrent than a taser or pepper spray.

I asked a similar question about the two exonostomes, but I wanted to get advice from law enforcement! I am a full-time student, and with the job, I would not have the time to devote myself to self-defense classes. Clubs/stun guns/tasers are legal if I move without permission. I own a club, but I`ve never had to use it. I want to feel safe because I have been harassed in the past. I`m afraid that a stun gun will only upset the attackers or that I will apply a Taser to a single person, but that there may be several attackers. I don`t want a gun (they scare me in some way) and I`m afraid I can`t use the club properly because I`m really small and it might not reach his eyes. All advice is appreciated! I just want to feel safe in my new city, especially since I take a lot of evening classes. I don`t have any pre-self-defense/weapons training. For a long time, stun guns and tasers (the difference is that a Taser relies on a series of darts to deliver shock to the target instead of just hitting the device at the target like a stun gun) were illegal in New York City. In 2019, this law was ruled unconstitutional by a federal court, so at that time it is legal to possess and use stun guns and tasers in New York (provided they are properly used for self-defense, which is another box of worms). People who hate the Second Amendment and guns claim that today`s guns are not comparable to what existed in the 2nd.

has been implemented. Well, you can`t legally carry a Taser/Stun Gun to Chicago and I want to buy a Taser for self-defense. Why on earth are Tasers illegal in Massachusetts? It`s not illegal to carry pocket knives, but I can`t have a Taser for self-defense? Overall, if you opt for a stun gun, I personally recommend the Muscle Man line. Many brands have shielding issues that can damage the user, or touch points that don`t discharge immediately, so the ignorant can still get an unpleasant shock even after turning off the thing. Muscle Man have immediate safety and dismissal, in addition to having a respectablely low failure rate. And most places don`t need a permit to carry a stun gun, while many do it for a tazer. I am a POC woman who started commuting with the BART and Caltrain. I have lived in a big city all my life and I believed that public transport was always very safe. When I was young, that was all I took. However, I`m new to SF and the city is definitely emptier than where I lived. I usually take the train around 7 a.m., which I would consider rush hours before the pandemic.

However, there are very few people on the train and most get off the wagon when I reach my millbrae destination to take the Caltrain. I`ve collided with just one other person once or twice and I never want to find myself in a situation where something unpredictable happens. I don`t feel like pepper spray is a good option for me as I`ve only tested it once and honestly, I feel like it`s something I have less control over, so I`m considering a Taser just in case I move around early and come back when it`s dark. since it`s winter. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions. I`ve read that it`s legal, but I just want to confirm it. Thank you very much. Wow, thank you so much for your reply. That gives me a lot to think about.

I have mase that I wear, I`m just looking for something extra. It seems that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages with what you said above about stun guns/tasers. A hidden weapon would be ideal, but the resources are a bit tight now, but it`s definitely something I`ll do on the street. However, a defense course is something I can do now. Thanks again! You can`t order pepper spray by mail order, but you can legally carry pepper spray in ma to defend yourself. In 2014, a law was passed stating that you did not follow the FID process. Being zapped with a stun gun doesn`t really hurt. What kind of situation, do you think, like many attackers? You could still get anesthetic ankles, essentially a paralyzing version of percussion rings.

Treat yourself to something more. beat! Well, you can`t legally carry a Taser/stun gun to Chicago, so we`re outside. Pepper spray can be transported legally. I think a self-defense course would be a reasonable thing to look at. Stun guns are not very useful for self-defense. You`d better carry a bear club, knife or gun. Two words. Robert Jakanski. If the RCMP cannot use stun guns without killing people, I do not want the street idiot to wear one in his glove box. Crime rates have dropped by far – now is not the time to start arming yourself.

Are stun guns legal in Suffolk and Nassau? I just bought one, so are they legally correct? So I`m looking for a Taser/Paralyzing Gun. I was wondering what you know. I`ve done quite a bit of research and I really want to get the highest voltage of 7.5 million volts, but does that really matter when compared to the 3.5 million volts, for example? All websites say the same thing that the attacker will be knocked out for 5-10 minutes, but I need to know that it will not only upset them and they will come after me. Also, there is the pin function, so if the attacker tries to remove the weapon from you, the weapon is deactivated. But what if there is a Kerfuffle and the pins fall out and I have to reinsert them quickly before numbing them again? IANAL – legality is something I don`t know – but it`s a very ineffective self-defense weapon and most consumers aren`t strong enough to be more than a nuisance. It`s pretty bad. Shoots a cartridge, but also behaves like a regular stun gun if you haven`t loaded a cartridge. Also has a laser viewfinder that looks quite intimidating when you point it at someone. Keep in mind that an actual Taser is very different from a cheap stun gun. The latter will not bring much. It`s a bit painful, but not significant.

Stun guns are often used for fun in BDSM. It hurts like it hurts to be paddled. People can easily be zapped into the genitals a dozen times without it being painful enough that they need a moment to recover, let alone being enough to neutralize them. Stun guns: are a joke. Not to mention that to use this weapon joke, you would have to be within the reach of an attacker. Since you are a woman, a large proportion of men will already have a small arm on you – not good. Even if you come into contact with the stun gun, I personally have the impression that they are caught with a very large rubber band. Is it a breakup factor when someone tries to steal/attack/rape/murder you who has loaded you with drugs or just normal adrenaline? Not in the slightest. There are other variables to consider. Stun guns can actually neutralize a person very temporarily. Disorientation is much more likely. But it also depends on the person`s resistance to shocks.

I saw people lock themselves up for a few minutes, and I saw them wiping it like an insect bite. More than anything else, stun guns are scary. They are noisy, and seeing the flow go around in circles as it does is quite intimidating. An average striker doesn`t want a scorer that triggers a fight, if there`s a chance he could get injured, he`ll probably look elsewhere. The biggest drawback is the range. Stun guns only work if you can actually touch the person. And if you can touch them, chances are they can touch you. However, a stun gun ignores most forms of clothing. Admittedly, I`m not an expert on the subject, but check if it`s legal to wear them in your state (mine are both taser and club). Tasers are expensive, so you should also consider the option of a stun gun.

As the other person said, Tasers are not illegal, you just need a license. Tasers are “less deadly” and not “non-lethal” because they can lead to death. In a state where you need a license to own a gun, I think it`s consistent that you need a license to own a device that shoots a projectile and can cause death. No argument that all this is good or bad, only consistently. I don`t know much about tazers, but I`ve worked with stun guns for most of the decade. Here`s what I can tell you. Thank you for the advice on the defense course I should take. If anyone has more suggestions for some defense courses, I would be happy. I`ll also look at the Muscle Man line. Thanks again! I`m not sure that unless you`re visiting some of the roughest neighbourhoods in Toronto and other major cities, I really don`t think there`s a need for them.

Shock and fear. This is the device I`m going to buy this Christmas. Stunning Gal used to sell them online, but it seems that their eBay store has been closed. Legal, but I think OC spray would still be a better option. Tasers require you to be close to use, and in a self-defense situation, you want to have so much distance between you and your attacker. There`s always a chance that if you`re close enough to your attacker to touch them, you`re close enough for them to take your taser away.