Alberta Spill Kit Requirements

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Why is it a good idea to have an emergency spill kit? Because accidents with spilled liquids happen everywhere. Here are some examples where spill kits and the contents of spill kits can be of great help: A good spill kit quickly and safely cleans up liquid spills to facilitate disposal. The best clean oils, chemicals and body fluids, as well as harmless liquids such as water and drinks. Spill kits bring together everything you need to combat all types of spills with ease and speed. This element of the Engineering Health and Safety program helps you understand the basic requirements to keep your students and staff safe in the event of an emergency. There are other hazardous materials that require spilled kits, such as radioactive materials. For more information, visit the EHS central website or contact the Faculty Security Advisor for more information about your research. If you have biological hazards in your laboratory, you must also have a biological spill kit available and labelled. For more information on spill kit requirements, see the EHS BIOSafety Guidelines and the Biosafety Remediation Protocol.

Clean spilled liquids of all types of fuel, oil, hydrochloric acid, peroxide, adhesive and more without the need for secondary cleaning. Clean in minutes, not hours, and without mops and buckets that add hazards in the workplace. As a City of Calgary contractor, you must notify the City`s designated project officer of a spill or release as soon as possible. Familiarize yourself with the contractor`s responsibilities for reporting releases. SpillFix pellet absorbents make SpillFix spill kits so powerful. The speed and efficiency of SpillFix`s granular absorbent means that spill cleanup takes 40% less time, generates 30% less waste, and absorbs more than 10% more than other leading spill kits. Our SpillFix spill kits are available for all types of applications, including polymers, oils, chemicals, fuel, acid and more. SpillFix spill kits are the best choice for quick and effective spill cleanup. Thanks to our non-toxic, lightweight and 100% natural granular absorbent, our spill kits are safe for any workplace. Minimize downtime and maximize availability with our powerful spill kits. For health and safety concerns or for assistance with safety resources, please contact the faculty`s security advisor. Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-975-6700 Training staff in hazardous waste management and control is an important part of OSHA`s guidelines.

Workers who control and contain spills must be wearing appropriate protective clothing and being trained in the use of leak control equipment. Let`s not forget hobbies like car restoration or DIY activities like rinsing a car`s cooling system, painting, and minor plumbing repairs. All of this can lead to spills that are at least minor but slippery, as there is a good chance that oil or grease is involved. As a City of Calgary contractor, you must take steps to prevent pollution of the air, land and waterways, including the rainwater system. In the event of a spill, you should contact the competent control authorities. A little oil, gasoline, coolant or even spilled water consumes a surprising amount of rags and old towels that almost always leave residue. An oil spill kit requires an absorbent strong enough to absorb the oil spill and remove residues. Reporting a spill or release is a requirement under Alberta`s Environmental Protection and Improvement Act. A release of a substance that exceeds legal thresholds and/or that has caused, is causing or may cause an adverse effect on the environment must be reported to Alberta Environment. An adverse effect is defined as “an adverse effect or damage to the environment, human health or safety or property”. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not list specific requirements for spill kits.

Instead, it requires construction sites to have safety and health programs that meet industry standards for the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste, including spilled liquids. There are different types of spill kits. To select a suitable spill kit, you need to check the use of hazardous substances in the workplace. There are many types of spill containment kits in the United States, but not all are created equal. SpillFix spill kits are the only ones of their kind that contain a granular absorbent, which makes their absorption capacity much higher than other kits. For laboratories containing chemicals, a chemical spill kit must be available, the location of which is clearly indicated. In rooms with high chemical consumption, a chemical spill kit provided by a department is available in the corridor for larger spills. You must also report any spills to EHS via the online incident reporting portal. For assistance, please contact the Control Center at 780-492-5555 and request an EHS on-call person. You are also responsible for taking corrective action and properly disposing of cleaning products in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements.

For more information on the Contractor`s responsibilities, please refer to our Contractor`s Environmental Liability Kit (FCRP). Our spill kits have it all, but remain easy and easy to transport quickly to the spill site. Compared to a pallet of clay pellet absorbent that weighs an average of 1700 pounds, 1 pallet of SpillFix weighs only 960 pounds. Purchase Options: Submit a purchase requisition in PeopleSoft with the #0000002884 provider or order directly online via the “Contact Us” web form and the #UC-LSK quote catalog with an acquisition card (Pcard). Here are some examples of hazardous substances that can have a detrimental effect on people and the environment. It is of the utmost importance that all laboratory staff are informed of an emergency shutdown. All laboratories and offices require an independent plan/procedure. If it is necessary to work alone, this plan will help you do it safely. Always try not to work alone, but if you have to, this plan will help. Make sure you have assigned a “buddy” while working alone. Your work plan alone should include a “matching system”. The boyfriend checks the person who works alone at an assigned frequency (example every hour).

The person who works alone must inform his boyfriend when he has finished his work and leave the site. The buddy should be someone who knows where the construction site is, ideally your supervisor or delegate, but you can also choose any member of your team as your buddy. Note: This list is not exhaustive and other substances may have an adverse effect on the environment. The Central Emergency Management Team for Risk Management Services has created a bank of action plans for all buildings on campus. You can use the link to check your construction plan under the Faculty of Engineering. If your group has certain hazards that may require a specific response plan, please create an action plan specific to your group, including the building model. The University of Alberta has created a safety app called “UofA Safe” (link in the sidebar). This is available on the Google Play Store and Apple`s AppStore.

The app includes a system of work buddies alone. The app only works if you have access to the Internet (cellular data or UWS). For high-voltage and/or high-speed equipment, a Pilz-type EMO switch is recommended, which is necessary in some cases. In some cases, you may not have a power outage installed specifically for a device, in which case circuit breakers on the construction site can serve as an emergency stop switch if necessary. All control panels must be accessible at all times with a distance of at least 1 metre around them. These include restaurants or catering kitchens, auto repair shops, production halls, warehouses, schools and health facilities. Spill kits are essential to prevent falls and limit exposure to hazardous waste and bodily fluids in all types of workplaces. Release reporting is a requirement of the City of Calgary`s Sewer Service By-law, the City`s Environmental Policy and the City of Calgary`s Substance Release Reporting Procedure. SpillFix is a solution that has received higher ratings from customers for easy and faster cleaning without leaving oil or grease behind.

When compressed gases are piped into a laboratory, all staff and students should be aware of emergency shutdown procedures. When installing gas lines from cylinders on a device (e.g., GC gas chromatography), you need to make sure that all staff and students know how to stop the line, perform a gas leak test for all pipe fittings, and check regularly. OSHA notes that states, cities, and counties should potentially have their own specific hazardous waste cleanup companies.