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Bwf Service Rules

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The strange side is the left service court. If you serve and the score is an odd number, serve on the odd side. The receiver reflects the position of the server by also standing on its strange side. There is a simple reason why this rule exists. If there was no height restriction on the serve, you could launch the shuttle and hit it on your opponent. With such rules, you wouldn`t have many rallies. Service courts are smaller box forms within the court. We`ll see what they`re for in a moment, but let`s start by getting the right boxes. The player who serves first in a game must do so on the right side of the gas station where he starts the game. Service or service is a crucial part of a badminton player`s practice.

Here`s how it works. To be clear, these four lines constitute a dual place of service: Let`s take a look at the Badminton Service Rules of the Badminton World Federation (BWF). In the Badminton Service Regulations, there are 18 points under section 9 that describe the rules of service. These points define the rules for the correct service, and the server loses a point if it violates any of these rules. Badminton is a sport with a rich history, the rules have changed a lot since the founding of modern badminton in the middle of the 18th century. Most of the current scoring systems and rules of badminton competitions are based on the statutes of the Badminton World Federation (BWF). We have simplified it and give you a summary to make it easier for you to understand and read. To keep it very simple, in order to serve badminton, you need to stand in your service court and serve with your forearm to the impact box next to yours. The server must wait for the service to be canceled before moving and attempting to restore it. Check out the image below for a better understanding. The service box starts with the short service line and the central line.

The first lateral line is where the service court ends and the service court extends to the rear demarcation line. In badminton, the player must stand on the service area and serve under the arm to the service box. The server must wait until the opponent`s serve is beaten before attempting to return to serve. Players get only one serve in singles and doubles and can score whether they serve or not. Each of these lines determines the service space for single and double. We will look in detail at what the service places look like for singles and doubles. What are the rules of badminton service? If you are serving badminton, badminton must be under your waist. In the rules of badminton, the waist is defined as the lowest rib of the chest.

The head of the club should point down and you should first hit the shuttle cap. If the server has earned an even number of points during a game, it must serve on the right side of the service court for the next point. S1 and S2 win this rally, now the result is 3-3 and all players stay in the same service court, this time S1 is the server and will serve from the left service court while R1 is the receiver. If a player has been served or received offline, or has been served or received on the wrong side of the dish, this will be considered an error of the serving dish and will be corrected immediately. In badminton, we refer to both sides of the service court as the “odd” and “even” sides. It clearly indicates which side the players should be on and is also a brief reminder of the score. In this article, we will summarize and explain the rules of badminton: Who serves first? Am I in the right place to work? When do we change our dish? The singles and doubles points system. If S1 and S2 win the rally, he or she can launch again. But then S1 has to be on the left field for the score of 1:0 this time. R1 and R2 will remain in the same service court, this time R2 will be the recipient. There are many badminton service rules, and you can master this game if you know the right rules.

But it will be very confusing if you are just starting out. In this article, you will learn more about the rules of the badminton service in detail. If the R1 and R2 teams win the rally, it is now 1-1, then R1 and R2 come to serve, all the players remain in the same service court. This time R2 will be the server because their score is strange. In the badminton laws issued by the BWF, there are a total of 18 points according to § 9 that define the delivery rules. These points clarify the conditions for the right service. If you violate any of these rules, it will result in a service error and the server will lose the point. There are many rules regarding the service and many restrictions to ensure that the service is not an overwhelming advantage. Receiving services also has rules to balance everything. Let`s look at them now.

What is the Service Tribunal? It is simply the marked areas in the square that determine where you serve from and where you serve. The service court differs from single to double, but the rules for both are always the same. The basic service rules remain the same, i.e. the player who serves first must do it on the right side of the service seat and do it each time after collecting an even number of points during a game, while a service must come from the left service place after gaining an odd number of points. The recipient must be on the other gas station and the pair that wins the point becomes the server of the next point. The starting point of every game of badminton, the badminton service, is an art in itself. No player at the reception receives two consecutive serves in the same game. We won`t go into the details of the service technology itself in this article.

To do this, check out our forehand service and backhand service tutorials for a complete step-by-step breakdown to get the perfect service. Dual-service courts are slightly different. They are wider because they use the outer side line (remember: the double seat is wider); and they are shorter because they use the inner rear line. It`s a great idea for you to learn more about the rules of badminton and the scoring system so you can better understand this amazing sport. A mistake really easy to make, but easy to avoid. You cannot stand on a part of the line in your service box. The same applies to the recipient. What is a malfunction in badminton? A service error will be invoked if the player hitting violates any of the service rules, including; Serve above the waist, stand on the line and miss the shuttle during the service. A service interruption gives the point to the receiving player. To win, you need a 2-point lead.

For example, if the score is not 20-20, you will not be able to win the game even if you gain 21 points. It must be 22-20, the same rules apply in other cases up to 30: you can not win with 24-23, 26-25 or 28-27, you must have two points in a row, also called “2 clear points”, such as 23-21. The main rule here is that when you hit the shuttle, it should be under your size. To be precise, the rules define this as a height level with the lowest part of your chest. In other words, you can serve from a little higher than the top of your shorts, but not much. Once both parties are ready for the service, the first move forward of the server club head should be for the start of the service and the server should ensure that there is no unreasonable delay in the service once the server and receiver are ready. The server and receiver must remain in their service boxes until the server contacts the shuttle with his racket. After that, they can immediately leave the boxes and move anywhere in the square. In doubles, players get only one serve per side and the serve moves to the next pair as soon as one side loses a point. The double service court is called the short and wide service court.