Aborto Legal En Chile

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Although Chilean law prohibits advertising on centers that provide abortion services, you have the right to receive all truthful information about the law and the safest procedures for accessing this service. Maïté Albagly, an economist at the universities of Chile and Paris, estimates the figure at 160,000 abortions per year[38] and Elard Koch of the Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception at 13,553 to 18,071. [39] However, Koch`s study has been criticized for using “simplistic and false” assumptions that “have no scientific basis” because it assumes that data from one population without change can be applied to other populations. [40] In the course of its public report of 21. In May 2014, President Michelle Bachelet announced that she would promote a bill to decriminalize therapeutic abortion in cases of danger to the life of the mother, rape and viability of the fetus through a reform of the Health Code and the Penal Code. The initiative sparked a lively political debate from the outset. [22] [23] In the case of minors between the ages of 14 and 18, their desire to terminate the pregnancy need not be reported to their legal representative if, in the doctor`s opinion, this information endangers the minor, but the adult family member indicated by the adolescent is informed. If there is none, the responsible adult indicated by her will be informed. In 1931, under the government of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, therapeutic abortion was legalized, taking into account article 226 of the Health Law for certain cases established by law. [8] This rule stipulated that abortion, which refers to induced abortion, is only allowed in Chile to save the life of the mother, the unprofitability of the fetus or rape. Thus, Chile became a state with a protective regulation of Nasziturus at the expense of the mother, since it did not allow abortion even in cases of rape or incest.

Medical practice in cases where the mother`s life is in danger has not changed significantly due to the application of the principle of double effect in the interpretation of the Health Code. [2] President Michelle Bachelet introduced this law in January 2015. The abortion bill was adopted by the Constitutional Committee and the Health Committee in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. However, shortly after the bill was passed by Congress, conservative groups filed an injunction for unconstitutionality. As a result, the Constitutional Court held hearings last week before making its final decision. However, it is important to know that these figures are certainly partial in terms of the reality of abortion in the country, as abortion is still performed secretly in many cases, as there is still tedious work to be done to implement the possibilities of the 2017 law. In Chile, abortion legislation has been variable and at different times in its history, laws have changed. In fact, over the past three decades, abortion has been considered illegal in all circumstances. In Chile, abortion has been considered both morally and socially reprehensible since the colonization of the Spaniards, who have been morally and socially reprehensible towards the Western Judeo-Christian values that prevail in the country and who have traditionally rejected this act. The Spanish conquest meant the validity of their right in the Kingdom of Chile, so since then abortion has been punished criminally. It was only secretly that abortions were performed by infusions, herbs or other natural methods. [Citation needed] According to the Ministry of Health, 1,827 legal abortions were recorded in Chile between 2018 and 2020, a figure suggesting that tens of thousands of women continue to terminate their pregnancies illegally.

AS A result, estimates were lower and in the first fifteen months after the partial decriminalization of abortion, figures from the Ministry of Health show 769 cases of legal termination of pregnancy (ILE) for the causes described. In May 2017, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – the leading human rights organization in the region – held a hearing on the status of abortion law reform in Chile, during which the Center for Reproductive Rights, Miles Chile and the Isabel Allende Foundation testified before the commission calling on Chile to prioritize the approval of the law.