24 Laws of Maat

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The ancient so-called Egyptians, who understood everything that needed to be understood correctly, were blacks, but today blacks are considered nothing. Today`s blacks don`t even know that they were brainwashed to forget their history, and their appreciation is given to another who now knew nothing that exactly violated these maat laws, and you say you`re making me sick. Give credit to the one who deserves it, otherwise you are not only, you are a theif not good, very bad, bad for a good and balanced society. That blacks get their recognition and stop this nonsense for blacks, deserves all the respect for it. Well, peace and respect Creative Mother I have gone through so many of these comments and I basically see two opposite sides. How who got the laws first or negative confessions…. What`s so crazy is. No one mentions that one actually observes laws, commandments or confessions. So let`s abandon distraction tactics and practice making the word. Because of the bad things we do against each other, our nature has fallen below that of animals.

Animals move instinctively,.. People should be able to argue through logic and spiritual foresight. But still, our minds seem to be bad all the time… Stop all discussions and get to work. Pharaohs are often depicted with the emblems of Maat to emphasize their role in upholding laws and justice. [7] Beginning with the eighteenth dynasty (1550–1295 BC), Maat was described as Ra`s daughter, suggesting that the pharaohs ruled by their authority. [6] Hetepu brothers and sisters, aware of their conscience, thank you for sharing your knowledge. meruexa and those who agree with your point of view. I mean, YOUR point of view with its little nuances is false and disrespectful, as are many of you who would prefer to discredit the first peoples of Africa.

It is obvious that you do not know the facts about Akubulan (Kemet), the land of the Blacks, nor would you know that the first human being created in Kemet in our history as (those Africans who know our ancestry) knows PTH. PTAH was and is a black man, the first man created by Ra, an aspect of Atum, our Creator, and therefore the descendants of men were the Black Asur and his brothers and sisters. I would be remiss if I did not pay tribute to all our ancestors who paved the way for our understanding of our black history. Dr. Cheik Anta Diop. Dr. Yosef BenYochannan. Dr. John Henrik Clarke, to name a few, and Imohotep and Manethoes. Our historical beginnings are written on the walls (hieroglyphics) literally you have to be a fool not to see our beautiful many shades of black skin and features, so we are there in the paintings spoken in the writings on the walls, but oh let`s not forget the European historians of yesteryear after coming out of the caves and ice-covered hills of Europe Count Volney Wallis Budge. Homer read about us the history of our black ancestors and the spiritual moral life in these European accounts.

COMPANION. It wasn`t until the fake white Europeans came to Kemet Lands of Blacks to look for food because of their famine in the cold that it was the cursed end of our Heritage Living MAAT. So you can`t live MAAT. unless you pay homage to the principles of Ra MAAT.says We are not supposed to disrespect God/Goddess. So don`t mix your Jive BS into divine moral laws by saying you live MAAT because you don`t. And you don`t recognize the God/Goddess aspect of Ra, who created everything. YOU LOSE MAAT. As for the person who said that blacks kill each other, they only do so because the younger generation has no knowledge of themselves. You see, when your people enslaved us, they brought us to America, which deprived us of the MAAT. And we enslaved ourselves, we began to adopt the social qualities of your ancestors, our ancestors, slave owners, that we began these behaviors that a whole series of new evils soon to the Kemet Africans had no violence inside, until the Europeans came and helped to break the law of Ra of the MAAT. Hetepu Black Brothers and Sisters continues to spread our historical knowledge, it will spread and we, the black descendants of Kemet Land of Blacks, will rise to rule again through the MAAT.

Nini, I love you so much that you studied yourself and my law. These are our old laws. These are the laws of God given to the Hebrews. Moses recited these Canaanite laws to his people. Genesis 21:23 Leviticus 19:11 You must not do wrong. Kemet is at the origin of his laws! Study the ancient African religions, I don`t think laws are necessary for people. Apart from the 7 hermetic universal laws, all these other things are B.S (excuse my Frenchman). Kangaroos, giraffes, lions, not rabbits, need a book or set of rules to be one with consciousness, nature or the Creator. Humans are the most demanding beings on the planet.

So why on earth do we need a book or a set of laws? All we need is the God-given meaning and instinct we already have. I am a white man who has been genetically living for years all the paths to Africa like my ancient ancestors Why the truth hv about black or white all this in the world is because of this same problem, why can`t we just stop and live as a people I bleed red like everything, what I love I suffer in the born I die, but it is to live in peace all There is a divine presence in the universe from which all just law flows.